
Balance and Harmony Course


Maintaining balance and a sense of feeling grounded and centred in our lives is essential to having resilience for when the bumps of life happen. The bumps of life can be big or small and can be daily, continuous, relentless or occur on a seldom basis depending on what is occurring in our lives. Knowing how to bring daily wellbeing practices into our lives and to encourage these same practices in the lives of others is key to maintaining this sense of balance and feeling grounded.

Using techniques and tools to fully feel connected within your body, creates space in your life where you can step away from mental chatter and be the observer of this. We can achieve this in many ways and some of these ways are through physical activity.

The activities in this session are centred around the practices of Qi Gong and visualisation practices. They are both relaxing and invigorating exercises which can be done at any time either by yourself or with others and will support you to feel grounded and connected to yourself.  The exercises will support you to feel healthy, balanced and well and will increase your feeling of having energy.

Course Structure

Participants are brought through a series of gentle physical exercises which promote a sense of feeling balanced and well. Notes are provided and resources for follow-on research will also be provided.

Key Learning Outcomes

Participants are enabled to practice balancing and invigorating physical exercises which can be done as  part of a self-care routine and can also be practiced with others. Where it is needed for groups who work with children, exercises can be adapted each individual working with children to make the routines relevant to their lives and fun to learn.

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